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Voice of Christian Liberty
Sharing the historical riches of God’s wisdom and knowledge from the
labors of hundreds of faithful servants at Christian Liberty.
May 2021 Broadcasts
The host discusses deception, wolves in sheep’s clothing, and the value of educating children and adults in the truths of the Bible. Part I

The host continues discussig educating children and adults in the truths of the Bible and using discernment from God. Part II

A CLA parent, Monica Balba, grows up in Romania under Communism and the host tells her story of Christian faith.
Bible reading, well-known sayings found in the King James Bible, and their common use in culture are discussed by the host.

Attorney, and grandfather of 2 CLA students, George Drost, tells a story of grace when as a child, he escapes Communist Czechoslovakia.

School Police and Resource Officers share timely wisdom for parents, and for all, on internet bullying and personal safety when online.
Pastor Calvin Lindstrom discusses where we have come from since COVID began in 2020 and what affects Christian's today.

The host inspires Christians to thirst for God. As Psalm 63:1 says, “O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you my soul thirsts for you."
Victor Yang, CLA computer teacher, shares the path of God leading him and His wife to the mission field of Japan. Part 1

Victor Yang, CLA computer teacher, continues the story of God leading him and His wife to the mission field of Japan. Part 2

A Gold Star father, CLA science teacher, Bob Stack, talks about Memorial Day and heroes of the armed services who defend our freedom.
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