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Voice of Christian Liberty
Sharing the historical riches of God’s wisdom and knowledge from the
labors of hundreds of faithful servants at Christian Liberty.
March 2020 Broadcasts
Char Ruta, CLA kindergarten teacher for over two decades shares advice for parents and all Christians

Char Ruta, CLA kindergarten teacher continues sharing thoughts helpful for parents and all Christians

Abby Choe, a CLA student since elementary school, shares her passion for theatre and more so for Christ

Part 5, Art Teacher, David Bergquist continues discussing art and the culture and why be a part of it
Part 6 Art Teacher, David Bergquist continues discussing art and the culture and why be bold and use it as a tool

Pastor Calvin Lindstrom discusses Psalm 91, the strength and hope found in God’s word as we deal with a pandemic.

Part 8, Art Teacher, David Bergquist continues discussing art and the culture and how it connects to abortion

Pastor Calvin Lindstrom discusses Psalm 91 and the hope found in God’s word as we deal with a pandemic.
Pastor Calvin Lindstrom talks about God's promises, judgment, discipline, and assurance during uncertain times

Art teacher David Bergquist shares thoughts for creative art adventures during a time of social distancing

Art teacher David Bergquist gives ideas for being creative during times of isolation--or for any time
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