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Voice of Christian Liberty
Sharing the historical riches of God’s wisdom and knowledge from the
labors of hundreds of faithful servants at Christian Liberty.
June 2021 Broadcasts
A man with a heart for missions, Mr. Ed Evans, shares about his missionary trips following Christ’s mandate to go into all the world.

The host discusses that we are overcomers as stated in IJohn 5:4, “This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.”

When looking for direction for your life decisions, the host discusses trusting in the Lord with all your heart as stated in Proverbs 3:5-6

Hope is discussed by the host, talking about the CLA theme verse of this past year: Hope as “an anchor of the soul." Hebrews 6:19.
The seasons of life are demonstrated in God's creation. The host asks, What season of life are you in now, and how will you use it for God?

The host shares thoughts on prayer and the Bible verse, Phil. 4:6, “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything."

Calvin Lindstrom talks about bills affecting education and what Christians can do to have a godly influence on their elected officials.

Christ’s words, "Love God and your neighbor as yourself" are discussed by the host offering ways to be a good neighbor. Part One
Christ’s words, "Love God and your neighbor as yourself" are discussed, sharing more thoughts on how to be a good neighbor. Part Two

Abby Choe, 2021 CLA Valedictorian, shares the importance and power of her faith on her road to academic and life success. Part One

Abby Choe, 2021 CLA Valedictorian, talks about her valedictory speech and the wisdom she desired to impart to all . Part Two

The host celebrates the founder of Christian Liberty Academy, Pastor Paul Lindstrom -- and all those who stand for and fought for liberty.
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