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Voice of Christian Liberty
Sharing the historical riches of God’s wisdom and knowledge from the
labors of hundreds of faithful servants at Christian Liberty.
January 2020 Broadcasts
Charles Li, a musician, a conductor, a teacher, a minister, a father, sees the hand of God leading his life

Amy Li, brought up by parents with a heart for missions, Amy tells of being led to the mission field

Christine Li, English teacher, homeschooling mom, the Lord orchestrated her life to marry a conductor

Sharon Rubel directs the elementary school music program of Christian Liberty Academy
Deb Dorsey, New Life Resale prays with those who enter her store, a ministry of Informed Choices.

Sarah VanDerLip, Exec. Director of Informed Choices listens to God's call, saving babies' lives

David Bergquist, Director of CLA Live ProLife, tells stories of pro-life and his parents who adopt 8 children

Doug Brammer, CLA parent shares his faith and years of service helping save lives from his earliest years
When Roe vs Wade legalizied abortion, David Bergquist, discusses his family becoming witnesses for life

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